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2.0分 / 剧情片 / 美国 / 2006




制片地区: 美国

导演: 托尼·凯耶

编剧: 托尼·凯耶

主演: 诺姆·乔姆斯基,Alan M. Dershowitz,Randall Terry

上映时间: 2006

对白语言: 汉语普通话 / 英语

色彩: 彩色

更新时间:2022-12-21 13:31


Ever since Roe v. Wade, the United States has been deeply divided on the issue of abortion. In that landmark case, an unmarried pregnant woman was refused an abortion in Texas and, with the ensuing judicial challenge, won American women the right to safe, legal abortions. Ever since, proponents and opponents have lined up on either side of the issue, launching verbal abuse - and worse - at each other. As the religious right has increased in size and power in the past decade, the issue has become even more divisive - and violent.Filmmaker Tony Kaye, best known for "American History X," has been working on "Lake of Fire" for the past fifteen years and has made a film that is unquestionably the definitive work on the subject of abortion. Shot in luminous black and white, which is in fact an endless palette of grays, the film has the perfect esthetic for a subject where there can be no absolutes, no 'right' or 'wrong.' He gives equal time to both sides, covering arguments from either extremes of the spectrum, as well as those at the center, who acknowledge that, in the end, everyone is 'right' - or 'wrong.'With graphic images of termination procedures and their aftermath, Kaye endeavors to show abortion's physical and psychological reality - to make clear what exactly is at stake. "Lake of Fire" - the film's title comes from one person's description of what awaits abortionists in hell - is a brave film, even a monumental one. And whatever you believe now, you are certain to think differently after seeing it.


由诺姆·乔姆斯基,Alan M. Dershowitz,Randall Terry主演的剧情片《地狱之火》迎来播放,这部电影有趣的背景设定通过各种元素来展现,通过《地狱之火》上映的预告以及海报,我们可以看到这部电影通过超震撼的特效来制霸影视,一场热血激荡的未来之战为我们展现未来科技,这部剧情片作品通过强大的幕后制作团队,为我们打造一部剧情片的巨作。


这部电影是剧情片,电影中的场景是采用棚内搭建的形式,导演: 托尼·凯耶利用逼真的道具设置和后期特效给观众一个惊艳震撼的视觉效果,在这么一个启发人深思的故事来表现电影的精神内核,展示了电影高深的立意。




这部2006上映的剧情片,入围2022年柏林电影节主竞赛单元,打破了近年来欧洲三大电影节主竞赛单元剧情片“零入围”的僵局,也让托尼·凯耶在威尼斯完成了他的作品从威尼斯“地平线”、戛纳“一种关注”到柏林主竞赛的“进阶”。导演托尼·凯耶一直关注着自己的家乡,托尼·凯耶镜头总是盯着熟悉的家乡。即使上一部电影变成了繁华的大城市,托尼·凯耶善于讲述残酷荒诞却不失温情的故事,电影勾勒出人们对土地的依恋、《地狱之火》现代文明与人心的矛盾。《地狱之火》在谈到老人、孩子和年轻人之后,这次托尼·凯耶将把重点放在与村子密不可分的中年人身上。《地狱之火》延续了托尼·凯耶导演深厚的人文关怀,演员诺姆·乔姆斯基,Alan M. Dershowitz,Randall Terry的组合主演,新颖又富有挑战性。诺姆·乔姆斯基,Alan M. Dershowitz,Randall Terry在影片中的表现,堪称一次突破。


《地狱之火》因强大IP基因,开播前就备受瞩目,《地狱之火》未播先热成焦点。《地狱之火》如今更收视飘红,话题不断,成为辞旧迎新跨年之际现象级大剧。唯美画风,考究服饰、道具,至少5元钱戳眼特效,大众熟知的《地狱之火》,高能虐心剧情都为剧加分多多。此外,偶像明星诺姆·乔姆斯基,Alan M. Dershowitz,Randall Terry拼颜值、斗演技,主配角成功人设与演绎,也在很大程度上拉动且加持了《地狱之火》收视口碑双飞大势。全民看脸的时代,《地狱之火》诺姆·乔姆斯基,Alan M. Dershowitz,Randall Terry高颜值绝对对得起拥趸笃粉。人气爆棚当红偶像明星诺姆·乔姆斯基,Alan M. Dershowitz,Randall Terry颜值大放送,令无数舔屏族竞折舌,已在预料之中,他们颜值高到令人侧目、仰望,演技更让人弹眼落睛。特别是虐心爱情戏,更成为高瓦斯含量的催泪弹,让无数剧情片迷泪牛满面。


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